about us
The brand was created in 2017 to provide your beloved dogs with truly organic and natural products. Rick couldn’t find any hypoallergenic shampoos in the market for Oscar who is having sensitive skin type. This inspired him to launch a 2-in-1 conditioning shampoo which has mild cleansing and moisturizing effect in one simple step.
After half a year of researches inside and outside the laboratory, he finally worked out a formula which did not contain any materials that were damaging to dogs or the natural environment. Moreover, all the raw materials are certified organic by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA certified organic) and 100% made in Australia to ensure that your dogs are using the best products.
Rick truly believed that natural products would give your beloved dogs the best care for their hair and skin. With this simple belief and endless persistence, all his products contain organic natural ingredients and some of them have even obtained the Australian Certified Organic (ACO), Ecocert (ECO) and other internationally recognized certification.
Rick Sidney 在香港的健身教練事業起飛,在健身教練界及慈善 圈子內得到廣泛的認同。隨著他的個人成長、對有機物的認知 加深以及與他的愛犬Oscar建立深厚感情,Rick開始留意周遭 生活環境的不斷變化,並意識到受汙染的空氣及化學物質為人 類和動物帶來的傷害。作為一個嘗試,Rick想為Oscar打造一 個健康的有機生活環境。為實踐承諾,他放下健身教練的工作 一整年,全情投入研製一系列有機寵物護理產品的工作。Rick 對寵物的愛、追求夢想的熱情和執著令他成為朋友間談論的話 題。
Rick說:「關心世界和寵物的事情,兩者並無互相排斥之處。 」早在年初,Rick已經開始研究和測試精油、植物提取物和其 他植物成份,生產出他的第一支有機寵物護理產品。「寵物是 人類的好朋友和家庭一份子,我們要好好照顧牠們的需要。」 其後,Rick在家中及實驗室進行不同的測試,經過反覆試驗, 精心製作出一套專為寵物毛髮,皮膚和身體而設的有機產品。